The VW Gasser «the Muscle Beetle Story» DVD


Californian pioneers of drag racing in Volkswagens and old Super8 films forgotten in the attic for nearly 40 years. You used to see them in black-and-white pictures… here they are in color and they move!

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Californian pioneers of drag racing in Volkswagens and old Super8 films forgotten in the attic for nearly 40 years. You used to see them in black-and-white pictures… here they are in color and they move! Inchpincher, Inchpincher too, TarBabe, Anderson Bros., Lightning Bug, Underdog, Autohaus, StuttBee Ned Bug, Lil Giant Killer, RaceShopFiat … gassers! These legends will be visible for the frst time on screen. This one-hour documentary flm is a tribute to the enthusiastic, keen competition, which have revolutionised the way we see the harmless little Volkswagen family car. They also developped an industry still flourishes today. This DVD made by the guys from the «European Bug-In» gives you to see the history of some of these pioneers. If you want to know the genesis of your passion … this is the movie to have in your DVD library.

«Absolutely incredible work! I was spellbound from start to finish – one of the best pieces of movie editing I have seen and without doubt the best VW-related DVD ever made» – Keith Seume.

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Pack 1, Pack 2